Monthly channeled messages from the Akashic Records

Channeled by Emily Brown

Each month, I channel a monthly message and theme from the Akashic Records.

I always share the channeling and energetic invitation for the month with my email community first, and later on, here on my website. To receive the messages in your inbox directly, join my email list!

August 2023: Flow
Emily Brown Emily Brown

August 2023: Flow

August 2023’s channeled monthly message & theme from the Akashic Records: bask in the flow.

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July 2023: Reconnection
Emily Brown Emily Brown

July 2023: Reconnection

July 2023’s channeled monthly message & theme from the Akashic Records: reconnection & recalibrating.

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June 2023: Slowing down
Emily Brown Emily Brown

June 2023: Slowing down

June 2023’s channeled monthly message & theme from the Akashic Records: slowing down and taking stock of where we are now.

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May 2023: Forward momentum
Emily Brown Emily Brown

May 2023: Forward momentum

May 2023’s channeled monthly message & theme from the Akashic Records: how will you rise to meet forward momentum?

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