May 2023: Forward momentum

Channeled May theme from the Akashic Records: how will you rise to meet forward momentum?


“May is a month filled with so much momentum and forward movement, like putting one foot in front of the other, day-by-day, and week-by-week.


The beginning of the month feels like that moment when you’re trying to start a stalled car, turning the key over and over, that moment right before the engine finally clicks on and starts.


May is the month we get the car running again, moving forward. And moving forward in a way that may feel surprising to some of us, like, ‘oh, well that's here 

now’ or ‘well, that option is here now, okay great, I just thought it was actually going to show up a bit later’.


As this forward movement takes hold, ask yourself, now that it’s arrived, what will I do with it? How will I rise to meet this?


And that's the real question of May — how will you rise to meet this forward momentum, this forward movement, that feels like putting one foot in front of the other?


How can you, and we've talked about this in the past, receive this forward momentum and receive deeply?


And when we say receive deeply, we mean in a way of 

embodied receiving.


How does your nervous system feel when the forward momentum shifts gears and starts rolling? How does it feel in your body? How does that forward momentum land in your heart, in your heart space? How does it land with your level of feeling safe and comfortable and provided for?


And this is not to say if your nervous system feels a little off or dysregulated that you are not ready to receive thing, the desire, the forward movement.


Perhaps, rather, it’s an invitation for you to call upon your deeper embodiment practices, tools, rituals.


Whatever that is, whether that's taking a walk in nature to come back to your center. Whether that's spending some time near water to come back into balance with yourself. Whether that's taking a nap and finding some rest so that your body can embody and process a little bit differently, feeling a little bit more replenished. Take what you need from your embodiment and somatic practices this month to feel safer and safer in your body as you receive this forward movement.


May is a big invitation to call upon what will serve and center you so that you may be present with the forward momentum.


Because that momentum will continue to pick up, pick up, pick up. May feels like a month where we get the ball rolling again and it keeps rolling — and we get to decide whether we roll with it or not. The choice is always ours.


But when the things you have been hoping for and desiring start to take a root in your physical reality, how can you receive from a very present and embodied place as much as possible?

As gently as possible?

As lovingly to yourself as possible?

As compassionately as possible?


For that's our hope for you. That is our hope for all of you this month, Dear Ones, to receive with gentleness and compassion. With love for yourself, as you navigate momentum and forward movement in any ways that feel supportive for you and to you.”


June 2023: Slowing down


March 2023: Receiving Change