March 2023: Receiving Change

An energetic invitation from the Akashic Records for March: Receiving Change


“This month, open up to receiving.


Receiving deeply.

Support, resources, help, nourishment, care, love, connection, healing, joy.


Can you find some quiet and stillness and explore what comes up for you, what is it that you’d like to receive this month? That you feel you need to receive this month? That you desire to receive this month?


And when you emerge from that stillness with answers, can you take a moment to break down how to get there. Even just thinking of three steps, three small ways, three small actions for you to take to move closer to receiving what you desire, want, need.


For we are in co-creation together, Dear One, as always.


And here, we are talking about what could feel like the smallest steps, the smallest actions in your day-to-day life.


What can you commit to as part of your practices, rituals, routines, day, morning, afternoon, evening? How can you commit to small actions as a way of moving forward, as a way of moving toward the receiving you most desire?


To receive is one of the deepest forms of self-love.


When we talk about the differences between giving and receiving, giving often feels to many like the easy part. Like the easier part.


Receiving, though, is big love.

Big love to yourself, for yourself.


So how can you receive this month, from a place of wholeness? From a place of acceptance for where you are right now?


Because March is a month that will bring many changes.


So how can you receive as change flows?

How can you receive change?”


May 2023: Forward momentum


February 2023: Loving Yourself