What the Akashic Records are & how I work with them

What are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records record and store the history of your soul. They contain our soul’s every thought, feeling, emotion, and experience, from this lifetime and past lives as well. The Records are an infinite resource of love and understanding, comfort and compassion, healing and expansion. Working in the Records can open your body, heart, and soul up to deep energetic activations and shifts and to remembering you are. In the Records, you can also remember and access your soul’s blueprint - your soul lessons, contracts, and growth edges for this lifetime.

How I became an Akashic Records Channel & Reader

I first learned about what the Akashic Records were when I was a teenager, thanks to my incredibly open and spiritually curious mother. But I didn’t truly begin to learn how to work with the Records until November 2018.

For the first couple of years of my self-study, I only focussed on learning how to read and work with my own Records. I never imagined reading the Records for anyone else because that simply wasn’t my why for exploring this spiritual medium - I was exploring it for me.

For my own spiritual growth and greater understanding of my soul’s purpose and lessons to navigate in this lifetime. During those years of self-study, I dove deep into how I could best work with the Records. I devoted myself to learning how to clearly channel messages and guidance for not only my day-to-day life, but to help find deeper healing and understanding over the years.

I learned the Records are everywhere - we unknowingly access them in our dreams, energy healing sessions, meditations, and more, day in and day out, whether we’re consciously aware we’re doing it or not.

And during this time, while I followed the work of other Akashic Records readers and read a portion of Linda Howe’s book, How to Read the Akashic Records: Accessing the Archive of the Soul and its Journey, I am largely self-taught in how I channel and read the Records. I’ve never been “certified” to read the Records by anyone else.

In the first few months of 2020, I started receiving messages via my Records that it was time to start reading for other people.

At first, I was frankly surprised; after all, I started studying how to access and channel the Records for the sake of my own spiritual growth and healing. I initially sat with the messages for a bit without acting on them, processing this new request and deciding if that was really what I wanted to do.

But the messages got stronger and stronger as the world dramatically changed with the pandemic, and I decided to trust what I was being cosmically nudged to do.

So, I started reading for other people for free. I read for friends. And I read for folks I’d never met before. I read for people in different parts of the world than me and for people in my same city.

And by October of 2020, Akashic Healing Sessions, LLC was born.

Exploring my Records has been one of the most healing, expanding, loving, compassionate, and magical experiences in my life. The Records not only hold the soul history of our past lives, but also provide us with a framework of potentials and probabilities in the present and future.

Working in my own Records, I have:

  • Focussed in on my soul’s purpose and heart’s desires

  • Explored career transitions

  • Learned about soul contracts I’m working and growing through

  • Understood more about the lessons I’m learning in this lifetime and why

  • Explored past lives most impacting my present life, understanding the deeper connection of my soul’s expansion

  • Experienced past life healing of limiting patters/beliefs/wounds

  • Worked more closely with and received loving guidance from my spirit guides, angels, loved ones in spirit, and ancestors

  • Connected with spirit babies

And as I’ve grown and changed over the years since I started reading for clients, so has my work in the Records. After my dad unexpectedly passed away when I was 32 years old, my work in the Records transformed. I went into my own personal underworld of processing the loss of my dad and all the grief, sadness, and pain that come with losing a loved one.

But what I didn’t know was how much love, acceptance, and healing I would find and feel on the other side of moving through all of that. And as I went through that journey, along the way, my channeling abilities deepened and strengthened beyond what I previously had known. I could hold more expansive and transformative space for folks than ever before. I could receive information and messages in new ways than I previously had. My inner journey and expansion was reflected outwardly in my work and passion.

I love connecting and healing with others through working in the Records. With every client I have the privilege of working with, I always hope they go forward feeling more empowered to co-create the life they truly desire, the one they’ve been dreaming about in their heart of hearts. And that’s not to say that life stops being hard, or bad things never happen again. Those constants will continue to be true in our very humanly and earthly existences.

And…even though we don’t know with one hundred percent certainty where our hearts’ desires will lead us or how things will exactly turn out, it’s my great hope that we can learn to trust ourselves and our hearts enough to still take a chance and go for it anyways. Working in the Records can help to crack open a door to profound healing and possibilities, and it is up to you to continue that work, opening that door wider and wider.

If you’d like to learn more about what to expect in a session and how to best prepare for a reading, please read this blog post!

I’m also a Certified Reiki Master/Teacher

I started my Reiki training/attunement in Michigan in 2012 and became a certified Usui Reiki Master/Teacher in 2014 while living in Washington, DC. Reiki is an ancient form of energy work and healing energy for physical, emotional, and spiritual ailments. Reiki is also wonderful for deep relaxation and stress relief. And even though we are not physically together, I’m able to distantly channel Reiki to you in a session.

By opening your Records and channeling distance Reiki to you, I believe the energy work is amplified. The information channeled through from your Records while Reiki is taking place is more detailed, illustrative, powerful, and not contained to linear time and space.

I’m able to cleanse, balance, and align your chakra energy system while also helping to clear energy that may be creating energetic blocks or limiting beliefs. I’m also receiving messages about your present situation from each chakra energy center as I’m working on you, and will relay those back to you once the energy healing is finished.

If you want to learn more about an Akashic Energy Work session, I wrote this blog post for you!