June 2023: Slowing down

June 2023’s channeled message from the Akashic Records - Slowing down & taking stock of where we are now.

“June is a month where we leave so much of the old behind in favor of the new. And when we say ‘old’ here, think of a jacket you once loved, but doesn’t fit you anymore. Nothing’s technically wrong with the jacket, it just simply does not fit.


It does not fit the you you’ve become.


The too-small jacket is what you know, and there is comfort in that. But you are now moving onto a path where the jacket simply doesn’t fit. So it’s time to take it off. And as you take it off, it’s okay to feel the vulnerability of the unknown, as the fresh air touches your now bare skin.


June is a time for slowing down and taking stock of where we are now. Where do we need to pivot? Where do we need to change course? Where do we need to follow our hearts first and see what comes from there?


June is an invitation to slow down - to slow the racing thoughts in your head. To step back and witness the emotions flowing through you. To sit with what is present, yes, and to not attach to feelings of, ‘well, if this is how I feel now, it’s always going to feel this way, it’s always going to be this way’.


Can you allow yourself to remember that what feels big now, feels heavy, feels like a weight upon your shoulders, could just be a season that you’re moving through? Because more change is coming - change you truly desire.


And knowing that more change is coming, often, moving toward that means we choose to change what feels comfortable. We move out of what was familiar. And often, that can feel unsettling. It can feel dysregulating. It can feel confronting or scary.


And that's not to say don't feel those things. Be present with them, witness them and watch those energies release from you; move and shift and change and alchemize. Because one of the invitations for June truly is to move through it. Not move around it, get stuck in it, or let fear take over. The invitation is truly to move through what is present with you - in the most supportive and safe ways that are available to you. Because if you can move through what’s before you right now, wait until you see the domino effects on the other side of it.


June is a time to let old patterns and timelines fall away as we merge into new patterns and timelines. New paths and new ways will be forged throughout the month.


So much has changed already since January. The new paths coming forward are different - different in terms of what you were calling in 4, 5, 6 months ago even.

June is this permissioning to let go of the attachment of what you thought x would be like, to let go of the attachment to the idealized version of what you thought x would be like because, what you're moving through now, what you're living through now, what you’re negotiating now, is the reality of experience of x…this is what it feels like.


The invitation this month is to call in and ground into what would serve you now. And feeling into the truth of that, move toward what would best serve you right now. What decisions can you make now that will serve the you of today? What does the you of today need most right now?


Because the present moment, this lived present experience, is what we have. All we have.”


July 2023: Reconnection


May 2023: Forward momentum