July 2023: Reconnection
“The theme of July is reconnection. Reweaving, resetting, recalibrating.
June was filled with shifts, with so many changes, and so much momentum. And now here we are starting to move into July and it’s really a month of putting one foot in front of the other, slowly and with confidence. Slowly, but surely.
July is an invitation to recalibrate. To recalibrate to the path you’re currently on. To recalibrate to this moment now, after all the decisions and actions that were taken in June. July is a month where you’ll feel many of those ripple effects start to take root in your systems and bodies.
And this rooting feels more internal - and the more and more internal we allow those shifts to root within us, the more and more we start to see our external world start to shift as well. The recalibration starts.
The invitation here is to connect back in with the version of yourself that you are today.
And it feels like this is an invitation to almost court this version of yourself - sit with them, be with them, witness them, play with them, find their joy, their peace, their grounding and rooting.
Find that connection within and recenter back in your core…in your heart.
And the more that you’re able to reconnect and recenter yourself, the more that you're able to turn the volume down outside of yourself, even if it's just a little bit, and just center, the better.
And maybe you center in loving gratitude for this version of you today, for the decisions you made, and the outcomes yet received.
It feels like so many big decisions and turning points were reached in June, and now it's time to reap the ripple effects of them. It's going to start internally first and then we'll see more and more in our outside world, as we recalibrate.
It really feels like retuning ourselves to this internal rhythm within, which may have changed, and getting back on the same beat with our internal rhythm.
And then we start to see our external reality tune to that internal rhythm as well - for it has no choice but to.
So this is a big invitation this month - to recenter and reconnect to you. To find a moment to celebrate how far you've come from the last month, how bravely you sat with and moved through things in the last month - it'll make the ripple effects from your internal to external world this month even more sweet to experience and witness and live through and move through. For you are not the same person who started that journey. You’ve shifted and you’ve grown.
Now, how can you come into that sweet rhythm with yourself? With this version of yourself today? July’s reconnection is truly an invitation for softness and tenderness, for sweetness and juiciness, for play, joy, and serenity. For making time where you can and when you can for what truly lights you up, what truly rejuvenates you, what recharges you, what resets your system in the best and most supportive ways.
What helps your system come into that reset? July is the time and space for this - for that supportive energy that we can ride the waves of, rather than feeling like the waves are crashing into us.
And if you've ever been a kid who's ridden a wave in the ocean, you know the joy that can come with it, the laughter and the play. The reconnection to parts of us that get to enjoy the ride in the moment.
Connecting with those parts will set you up for a summer of flow. A summer of expansion. A summer of deep receiving what we're most hoping to. So go slow this July when it feels good. Tend to yourself when you have the space to.
And don't forget to laugh and play, and find your joy along the way.”