Trust yourself, the messages you're receiving, & your own timing - you're not wrong

During an Akashic Records reading, I always remind folks to take what resonates at that moment and to not worry about anything that doesn't resonate at that time. In client sessions, I'm often reading what's in a person's energetic field, whether at that very moment or as part of their future possibilities. 


But what matters most is that whatever message I'm relaying is coming up because it's already in your energy field, it already exists, and it will likely be ready to manifest into reality when you're ready.


The Akashic Records have shown me that our work is to first open ourselves up enough to receive messages, guidance, signs, and those cosmic nudges that we know are ours. Maybe that's through a reading with yours truly or in meditation, a tarot spread, sound healing, breathwork, yoga, cooking, dancing, or taking a walk through nature. 


So many of us are receiving messages often, but don't actually trust ourselves enough to really believe the message is for us. We might receive the message, but then immediately doubt it or question it or think that it can't be real, when that's actually our ego's response vs our intuitive channels. I often have readings where a client will ask a question to which their cosmic team lovingly responds "you already know" or "you already know the answer to that" because their team really has been sending them messages and signs for some time around that question. 


And that response is never made with judgment or an intention to shame someone. But instead, it's said to help affirm and confirm that "yes, you received the message/sign/guidance/gut feeling already exactly as intended! You heard us loud and clear and now we're asking that you take action on what you received. To trust your messages coming through enough to take the next step, to take action". 


All the guidance and messages you receive around every path, direction, interest, and decision point are coming up for you then because that possibility already exists in your energy, it's there right now. This means it's truly up to you when to act and when to create the loving space in your life for it to come into your reality. 


The Records have also shown me then that the second step is to take action on the message you've received. It's one thing to receive the message, but a whole additional and important step to then take action on that message. And the beauty of it all is that we have free will and we all have the choice to take any action at all, to take action today, or to take action later, depending on what feels right to us.


These messages and guidance don't come to us or come up during readings with the intention of stressing you out or for you to be in your head about it. Thinking, "well x and y came up, so that means I should start doing them now or else I'll miss out on this opportunity". Maybe you do. Or maybe you don't. 


When's the right time to take action on something that came up for you during a reading, intuitively, in meditation, through an oracle or tarot card pull? 


Just because you received the message, does that mean you have to act now? 


Or can you wait?


It's time to trust yourself to know when the timing is right for you, to know when the door is open for your path, desire, or interest to move forward. And when you feel that opening, when you feel an opportunity present itself to you, trust yourself enough to go for it, to dive in, and follow your gut.


If it feels right for you to go down that path now, do it and don’t look back!  


But if not, please take the pressure off yourself. Some things are in your energy field and will remain in your energetic field that don't need to be acted on right now. Maybe you act on it in a month - great! Maybe you act on it in six months - also great! Maybe you act on it in a year - also equally as great! It's all fine. 


And please don't let the energy of guilt or shame push you to act on something either. Instead, I hope you can take action on your messages from a loving, encouraging, and lit up space. And I think we all know the difference, right? We've all taken action from lower vibration motivations and from higher vibration motivations. 


You truly are your greatest guide, love. 


Trust yourself enough to take action when the timing feels right for you. 



About Emily 

Emily Brown is the founder of Akashic Healing Sessions. She is an Akashic Records channel and reader and a certified Reiki Master and practitioner. She reads the Akashic Records and channels distance Reiki for clients all over the world. She does this work in service to others, knowing it's her purpose to help people connect back to their divine origins, to their power, and the healer within themselves.


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