Past lives: the healing soul work we should all be doing

I'm so excited to take a deeper dive into the topic of past lives and why I think we should all be doing this kind of healing work! 


I first woke up to the concept of past lives when I was a teenager. My mom had given me the book Many Lives, Many Masters by Dr. Brian Weiss to read and it blew me open to the concept. I just remember thinking as I read this book, "this rings so true, this is what happens to us - reincarnation is real". I immediately could identify some of my close family members and friends as being in my soul group - souls who travel together from lifetime to lifetime to learn similar lessons as a group. And as the years went by, when I'd meet someone new and feel an almost instant immediate connection or knowing, I knew there was a past life connection behind it. A familiarity there that my soul remembered and recognized. 


My understanding of past lives and the energetic work we can do to heal and understand ourselves more deeply around them has only grown since I started working in the Akashic Records. In almost every Akashic Records reading with a client, we dive into past life work as part of the session. I believe past life work is some of the most important energetic healing we can do and some of the biggest understanding we can gain in helping to understand why we are the way that we are, basically. It might also help us understand why our loved ones and friends may be the way they are since we often incarnate within the same soul groups from life to life. 


Exploring past lives in the Akashic Records


When I enter into the Akashic Records, either for myself or a client, I "see" past lives as being in this vast hallway with closed door after door after door after door. All the doors are past incarnations lived and usually, there are hundreds of them if not more. I'm not able to just open and explore any old door in the Records as we will only have a limited amount of time in your session, boo-boo, and we just don't have time to visit every past lifetime for funsies. And we couldn't even if we had lots of time because nothing that's shared in the Akashic Records is by accident - every word of every messageyou receive is painstakingly purposeful and in alignment with the support you need in that very moment. 


And exploring for exploring sake is not the Records' vibe anyway. Like I said, when working in the Akashic Records, all the information, messages, and guidance received are all received with purpose. Meaning, you're getting the support you need to find greater love, compassion, and understanding for yourself and what you're working through right now.


Moving through soul lessons from lifetime to lifetime


When a client purposefully asks, "what past life is most impacting my present?", that's when the real magic starts. This is the question to ask if you're looking for more information and guidance around how to best move through the lessons your soul is currently undertaking and trying to grow and evolve from. The Records have taught me that it often takes a few lifetimes to learn and nail down some of the bigger soul lessons. So when this question is asked in the Akashic Records, it activates an energetic bridge between lifetimes. And I see the energy between lives as a bridge because the Records have taught me that on one end of the bridge is where you left off in your soul lesson, and on the other side is where you've picked up in your present life and moment. 


Revisiting where your soul left off in the lesson in a past incarnation allows you to better understand how to better work through that lesson now. It may help you understand why you've felt a certain way about a situation/person/environment, why you hold certain fears, and why there are some underlying dynamics in a relationship with a loved one who's soul is helping you to work through that lesson (whether a parent, sibling, friend, partner, etc). 


Understanding how your soul is working through big lessons is like reading a book - you may have left off at the end of one chapter in your last physical incarnation and when we go into your Records, we can pick up that book and discover what this new chapter is all about and what you can expect to be working and learning and growing through. Working on the same lesson from lifetime to lifetime is like working through the different levels of it - situations may present themselves with different circumstances, but the underlying theme is still the same, maybe just with an added layer to it this time. As your soul works through level after level and layer after layer of the lesson, it is solidifying that "yes, I am learning what I came here to learn". 


Releasing energy that no longer serves us through past life work


Past life work can also reveal that we may be carrying traumatic energy from an experience in one lifetime into one another. And in this present life and in our current physical body, traumatic energy might be manifesting as energetic blocks or another way. In the Records, we can go deeper into the past life where that energy originated, learning why and how it came to be, which can act as such a cathartic release for the soul. Because as we revisit that moment in the past, the soul is reminded "that was then, and this is now" and can let go of the ways in which it was rightfully trying to protect you in this lifetime through current fears, worries, doubts, or energetic blocks. When the soul remembers what it fears occurred in a past life, and not your current life, and when it is reminded that you likely chose the current lifetime to incarnate on Earth because you would be safe from repeating that kind of traumatic experience again, it lets go. The soul releases that manifested fear or block and you will feel freer, lighter, and so much clearer on a way forward.


Reawakening to ancient wisdom learned in past lives 


While working in the Akashic Records to do past life work, a past life version of my current client will often share how they worked very hard in the past incarnation to become an expert or authority in some area - whether that was herbalism, a specific healing modality, magick, an artistic expression, cooking, baking, and SO much more! But that past life self is often stepping forward to share with the current incarnation of my client that they want to share and relay the information of their ancient wisdom, gifts, and talents. Like it's time to start reintegrating what was previously learned with the current timeline of incarnation. A reawakening, a remembering of sorts as the timing is right. It's been pretty incredible to witness what can be shared and come through, not only during that session but in ways that the past life version of my client wants to continue working with them to keep sharing and remembering. 


The bottom line: past life work is incredibly important soul work


I couldn't imagine my own healing journey without centering past life work as I have (hit up the Reclaiming the Witch Within blog if you'd like a prime example next). Past lives are often the reason we hold beliefs (how worthy and deserving…or not…that we feel we are) about everything important to us in life - around love, abundance, financial stability and wealth, acceptance, work ethic, and so much more. Yet, so many of us have now incarnated into a completely different set of life circumstances but continue to hold onto beliefs solidified through past lives when our life conditions were dramatically different. Hearing that, can you see how issues can arise? 


The healing possibilities and potentials of doing past life work really are endless and transformative. While past life work can be done in many different ways (through past life regressions with a practitioner, for instance), my preferred way of connecting to and working with that energy is through the Akashic Records, well because they're my jam. You truly can do it all - soul work-wise - in the Records and I'm here for it and enjoying the ride. 


If any of this has sparked your interest, you might be ready to dig a bit deeper. If that's through working with me, I can't wait to meet you in the Records, love! 


About Emily 

Emily Brown is the founder of Akashic Healing Sessions. She is an Akashic Records channeler and reader and a certified Reiki Master and practitioner. She reads the Akashic Records and channels distance Reiki for clients all over the world. She does this work in service to others, knowing it's her purpose to help people connect back to their divine origins, to their power, and the healer within themselves.


Trust yourself, the messages you're receiving, & your own timing - you're not wrong


Be the change you wish to see in the world