Akashic Records Resources

Discovering and learning more about the Akashic Records shifted my life in the best ways possible. While this is in no way an exhaustive list of Akashic Records resources available, the following have been important in my knowledge base and continued learning.


Podcast Interviews

I was interviewed on Heart Song Awakening Podcast by Louisa Meyer. In the episode, we discuss everything Akashic Records, past life healing using the Akashic Records, and I open the Akashic Records live to channel through a powerful message for the audience.


  • For me, it all started with reading Dr. Linda Howe’s book How to Read the Akashic Records: Accessing the Archive of the Soul and its Journey. In her book, she shares the Pathway Prayer which I used to open my own Akashic Records until June 2020.

  • Another great book that really had an impact on how I perceived the Records was Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records by Kevin J. Todeschi.

Accessing the Akashic Records through an Opening and Closing Prayer

The Akashic Records are not an exclusive club for entry, but rather are freely available for anyone to work with and access. Using an opening prayer is as simple as working with a key sequence of words that give you the vibrational key to unlock the door, if you will. The prayers I’ve worked with in the past are not religiously affiliated/connected at all.

And while I no longer use an Opening or Closing Prayer in my practice with clients, it could be helpful to new readers to start by using one. And thee are lots out there to choose from in terms of what resonates with you (or not).

I started by using Dr. Linda Howe’s from her book above.

I’ve also used Ashley Wood’s The Prayer of the New World, and Kyley Caldwell’s Prayer for the Whole Self, both of which are freely available for anyone to use on their websites.