What are the Akashic Records & how to receive a free guided meditation

I've been feeling the energy around my business, Akashic Healing Sessions, shifting for a few weeks. I've been so grateful to work with so many clients from around the world since launching my healing and connecting offerings in June of this year. 


And while I've been able to follow-up a bit with past clients, I wanted a more consistent way to stay in touch and to continue to support folks on their journeys, wherever they may be. I'm constantly receiving guidance from the Akashic Records that I believe will resonate with and support many people and I want to share more!


I regularly channel guidance from the Akashic Records on how to work with the energy of the week and month ahead - when to flow with creative portals, when we're supported to rest and take it a bit easier, rituals to do around the lunar cycles, grounding practices for rooting and connecting back to the Earth, and so much more. 


So, at the end of October, I launched the AHS newsletter and I'm so excited to bring you:


  • Updates to my offerings, including special discount codes for Akashic Records readings (coming 2021),

  • Akashic Records reading scholarship opportunities (available starting in January),

  • A referral discount code program for all of you kind souls that have shared the impact of your reading with a loved one or friend to use on your next booking,

  • Either a week ahead energy-at-a-glance from the Akashic Records, a month ahead energy-at-a-glance from the Akashic Records, or a supportive ritual to use if it resonates for you - every newsletter!


As a huge thank you for signing up for the AHS newsletter, I'm going to send you a free downloadable guided meditation to use anytime. It's under 10 minutes and a great way to start or end your day, or just to take a few moments for yourself to center again. I use this meditation in every client session before we open the Akashic Records - it helps to ground with the Earth, center in your heart, and protect your energy throughout the day. I hope this meditation brings you greater connection, peace, and love.


Just sign up here to receive the guided meditation directly to your inbox! 


Before now, you may have been following me on the ‘Gram or clicking through my website or sitting here reading this and thinking, "why would I want to receive Akashic Records guidance to my inbox…I'm not even sure what the Akashic Records are…". And I feel you. 


Below, you can find a quick FAQ that I developed to help folks understand the Akashic Records, what to expect in an Akashic Records reading, and why I'm doing this work.


If you have more questions, I'd love to answer them via a DM to my Instagram or through connecting with me through my website! I'm here to support you and make the reading an exciting, comfortable, connecting, and healing space for you. 


What are the Akashic Records?

I like to think of the Akashic Records not so much as a physical place, but as a metaphysical library that is recording your soul's every thought, feeling, emotion, and experience in this life…as well as from your past lives. Yeah, that's right, I said past lives - we're going deep. The Akashic Records hold the vibrational frequency of the present moment, past lives, and future possibilities and potentials.

The nature of the Records makes them an infinite resource of information, love, support and healing that we can tap into and channel through during a reading.


I believe that anyone can read the Akashic Records. And I also believe that different people read and receive information in the Records in different ways, too. If you're curious about what your Records have to say, you can either learn to read them yourself (Linda Howe's books are the best starting place) or you can find a reader who feels like a good energetic fit to work with.

Who or what energies are you channeling when you read my Akashic Records?

When I open your Akashic Records, I'm in direct and instant connection with your cosmic support team. I like to think of your cosmic team as your spirit guides, guardian angels (possibly Archangels as well), loved ones in spirit who are now helping to guide you, ancestors, elementals, and other cosmic beings (…yes…aliens). 


When you ask a question, I receive the response/guidance from your whole cosmic team and can't differentiate in the moment who's saying what and when. 


BUTTTTT if you specifically ask something like, "I'd like to meet my spirit guide, learn their name, and hear any messages they have for me" - that's something we can explore and in that case I see your spirit guide step forward to relay messages vs. your whole cosmic team. It's also possible to ask, "I'd like to know if any of my loved ones in spirit are part of my cosmic team now" - and if they are, a specific loved one can then step forward to identify themselves and deliver messages. 

What can I expect to happen in an Akashic Records reading?

Such a good question! And the possibilities are endless, but here's some of the most common messages and guidance my past clients (and myself) have received working the Records - 

  • Explore your soul's purpose

  • Look into career transitions and impacts

  • Connect with a spirit baby

  • Dig deeper into soul contracts you're working through

  • Understand more about the lessons you're learning in this lifetime

  • Explore how past lives are influencing your present moment and what has carried over from past lives energetically

  • Work through past life healing through release

  • Meet and receive guidance from your cosmic team

  • & more! (aren't you intrigued by the "& more"?)

Not only are you receiving guidance, messages, and greater understanding during our session, but you’re also receiving so much unseen - energetic activations and upgrades that are helping you to process and deeply integrate all the new information received during your reading. It’s incredible how many layers of healing and integration at play during a reading.


Why should I be interested in exploring past lives and/or doing past life work in the Akashic Records?

I'm, like, so glad you asked. I think past life work is some of the most important energetic healing we can do and some of the biggest understanding we can gain in helping us to understand why we are the way that we are, basically. Also, why our loved ones and friends may be the way they are since we often incarnate within the same soul groups from life to life to learn the same or similar lessons together.


When I'm in the Akashic Records, I can't just tap into any old past life. The reality is that you've likely lived hundreds if not thousands of past lives and your session is only an hour, boo-boo. We don't have time to visit every lifetime. 


BUTTTT what the Records will give us is more insight into is what past life (or lives) are most impacting your present moment now. The Records have taught me that it often takes a few lifetimes to learn and nail down some bigger soul lessons. So when you ask what past life is most impacting your present life now, the Records show me the past life as a bridge; a bridge to illuminate where you left off in the last life, so you have a better understanding of where you're now picking up from. It's like reading a book - you may have left off at the end of one chapter in your last incarnation and when we go into your Records, we can pick that book up and discover what this new chapter is all about and what you can expect to be working and learning and growing through.


Past life work can also reveal that we may be carrying traumatic energy from an experience from one lifetime into one another. And in this life, in our current physical body, that might be coming up as energetic blocks or manifesting in some other way. Digging into the past life where that energy originated and learning why/how it came to be can be such a cathartic release to the soul right now, in helping it to remember "that was then, this is now" and it can let go and release.


Bottom line - past life work is incredibly important soul work. If you’re interested in learning more and diving deeper, please check out my blog on past life healing.

What kind of questions should I ask in my Akashic Records reading?

The possibilities are again pretty limitless! It depends on what you need and hope to get out of your session. You can of course ask questions about past lives (see above).


You can also ask any questions about your soul's purpose in this lifetime, career, a career change you may be thinking about, moving to a new city/state/country, what you're supposed to be learning, how you're growing/learning in relationship to someone else (a romantic partner, parent, sibling, friend, etc.), health issues, creative projects and endeavors, finances, and another big one - limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from where you truly want to be in your life.


I have to add that it's truly an honor and MY JAM to work with people who are currently working through and going through big decisions and overall life transitions. We've all been there and going through transitions can be scary as hell. Sometimes we have an idea of what's "next" but sometimes we have no freaking clue. But transitions can also be times of energetic opportunities, beautiful surprises, and excitement at the same time. It always helps when we can start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. To know that we really will get to the other side of it…and what's more, that things might turn out better than we hoped. 

What are the benefits of receiving Reiki energy healing with my Akashic Records open?

I started my Reiki attunement/training in 2012 and became a certified Reiki Master in 2014. I love that I get to offer sessions that combine these two powerful healing modalities - Reiki energy healing and channeling the Akashic Records - and it's truly my most unique expression of healing that I'm putting out into the world: Akashic Reiki.


Reiki is so great for deep relaxation and stress relief. It can also aid in spiritual attunements and may be able to help in physical/mental/emotional ailments. And even though we're not physically together, I'm able to distantly channel Reiki to you in a session.


By opening your Akashic Records while I'm channeling Reiki to you, I believe the energy coming through is amplified. The information and messages I can bring forward from your Records while the Reiki healing is happening is more detailed, illustrative, and powerful. 


I'm able to cleanse, balance, and align your chakra energy system while also clearing energy that may be throwing you off balance - both from the present moment and from your past lives. 


Quantum energetic healing, baby. It's powerful stuff.

Why did you decide to do this work?

I've been reading my own Akashic Records for two years and exploring and working in my Records has been one of the most healing, expanding, loving, and compassionate metaphysical experiences in my life.


I got the huge nudge from my cosmic team earlier this year to start reading the Records for other people and at first, I was basically like, "…say what?!". I thought of myself as a healer and energy worker, sure, but I didn't think I'd be stepping out and publicly supporting other people along their paths.


But I've learned through working in my Akashic Records that they don't lead me astray. The guidance, messages, love, and greater understanding I receive in the Records put me back in connection with my soul's work, with incredibly powerful healing, and in remembering and reawakening within myself that I am such a powerful creator in my life.


And I can honestly say that I've loved working with and am deeply grateful for every client that I'm able to serve in doing this work now. I've had the honor of working with so many different kinds of folks, including other magical and powerful healers. 


In every Akashic Records reading I do with a client, it's my intention to help connect you back to your: divine origin, soul's blueprint for this lifetime (yeah, we had a plan for this time around that most of us just conveniently forgot about, myself included…), power, and to the healer within you because you are your greatest healer, now and always. It brings me such joy and gratitude now to serve as a guide for others who are interested in diving deeper into energetic work.


 I'm always offering 1:1 appointments for Akashic Records readings, as well as Akashic Reiki sessions (distance Reiki channeled to you while your Akashic Records are open), or a combination of the two in one session! 


You can book here to learn more about a session!


About Emily 

Emily Brown is the founder of Akashic Healing Sessions. She is an Akashic Records channeler and reader and a certified Reiki Master and practitioner. She reads the Akashic Records and channels distance Reiki for clients all over the world. She does this work in service to others, knowing it's her purpose to help people connect back to their divine origins, to their power, and the healer within themselves.



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