Reclaiming the witch within

My name is Emily and I'm finally embracing the witch within. Wow, it feels so good to say that, to write that, to feel that, just as I feel the blood running through my veins. 

 I am late to the party. I've been doing plenty of "witchy" things - energy work, channeling, and more - without ever uttering the word "witch". Shit, not too long ago, I told a friend about my work as a Reiki practitioner and I uttered the phrase "I didn't tell you sooner because I didn't want anyone to think I was a witch".

 Damn. The shame in that sentence. The fear. Witch wound, much?

 But now I'm claiming the word witch and I'm taking it back. I'm standing in all that loving power. I am being reactivated in my witch worthiness, shifting away from past life witch wounds, to standing in my power now. 

I recently read a couple of fiction books that centered their stories on witches and their healing abilities, and I was just so lit up. I could feel the remembering seeping back into my consciousness, could feel the wisdom rushing back in. I've also been lit up by the countless podcasts I've listened to with incredible hosts, who are witches among other identifiers, that has pushed my curiosity and awakened a beautiful remembering within myself. I can feel this in my blood, in my lineage, and through my ancestors (especially on my mother's side).

Until recently, I didn't widely share with people that I was trained in and practiced Reiki, or worked with the Akashic Records, or had my natal chart read, or had readings with mediums/psychics, and all the rest because I didn't want people to perceive me as being a witch. 

Instead of standing in my authenticity, I was spending precious energy in denying who I was and being afraid of who I really was. And that went on for years. 

And I recognize some of that denial as pure survival instincts pragmatically kicking in. I've been lucky enough to do quite a bit of international traveling, both professionally and personally. I've visited countries and lived in countries where women are still being accused of being witches in the worst way our society resonates with that term and being killed for it. Yes, it's 2020 and that still happens in the world. It's not yet fully something in the distant past, and I've been consciously aware of that for years. 

I also recognize that I didn't just wake up one random morning afraid of proclaiming myself a witch. Working in my Akashic Records, I've seen past lives where I was proud to be a witch, proud to practice the magick that ran through my veins, and most of all, proud to serve as a healer in my community and to help people when they came to me. But I was outed and murdered for it again…and again…and again... 

And our souls carry those past life memories, often as a current life protection mechanism with the best intentions. Many of our deepest fears are trauma being carried over from past lives - whether it was something we lived or how we died. When we start doing something similar to how we experienced trauma before or how we died in a past life, the soul's internal alarm starts going off. It's like "no, no, no, last time we did this, we died, remember?" So that fear may build over time and prevent us from doing and living certain aspects of our lives. 

But now I’m standing in the light, power, and love of that energy and no longer running from my shadow. And yet at the same time, I am so grateful for the shadow work. Without it, we cannot come into the light. 

And the shadow energy was with me for a reason - it was helping to protect me during my years of vulnerability, of learning to work and heal with energy again, to channel energies in higher vibrations again, and in coming home to myself. And I thank my shadow energy for all that it did to protect me and shield me. BUT…now, I'm lovingly releasing it, grateful to it for being my teacher when I needed it. I don't need to be protected in this way anymore. Instead, I choose to stand in my light, to stand in my true essence, to stand in my authentic self. 

At least for me right now, standing proudly as a witch means living a life of powerful co-creation rooted in love and healing. Of sitting in the mother fucking driver's seat gripping the steering wheel instead of being cool sitting in the passenger seat watching my life go by. It means purposefully infusing intentionality into my days, weeks, months, and years and trusting what comes into my life from there.

I'm a witch and proud. Finally. 


About Emily 

Emily Brown is the founder of Akashic Healing Sessions. She is an Akashic Records channeler and reader and a certified Reiki Master and practitioner. She reads the Akashic Records and channels distance Reiki for clients all over the world. She does this work in service to others, knowing it's her purpose to help people connect back to their divine origins, to their power, and the healer within themselves.


What are the Akashic Records & how to receive a free guided meditation