
Read what clients have shared about their Akashic Healing Sessions

Like talking to a caring friend

“Working with Emily was great and definitely helped me along my process of healing! Emily walked me through what we would do in the reading so that nothing was a surprise and I felt like I had some control in the direction of the reading. Emily started with a grounding meditation and after accessing the Records gave me space to ask questions. She was super helpful in helping me consider where to go with the reading, while also giving me space to ask any questions that I had. Emily was also very eloquent and was able to clearly express what she was perceiving with love. Getting a reading from Emily felt like a good medium between talking to a caring friend and getting wise counsel.

— Aaliyah

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Incredibly affirming

“My Akashic Records reading with Emily was so incredibly affirming! This was my second Akashic Records reading and I felt so at ease. Emily was able to share so much information about the past, present and future. She is SO spot on and knew about projects I had been considering and was able to share with me what my masters, teachers, and loved one wanted me to know. Her ability to channel is such an incredible gift and I am so grateful that I was able to have a reading with her.”

— Lauren

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Invaluable experience

My very first experience with Akashic Records was a session with Emily, and it was invaluable! She explained the process, led a beautiful meditation, and created a space to go even deeper than I was expecting. I felt a sense of love, encouragement, and understanding from my guides, thanks to Emily, and look forward to future sessions.

— Kelsey C

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In awe

“Thank you SO much for the reading! The insight you were able to provide was amazing and I felt the authenticity of your words resonate with me deeply. So much of what you said was confirmed both before and after our time together, I am still in awe! Thank you for sharing your gifts and wisdom with me and walking me through the process. Arranging our appointment was a breeze and I will absolutely be in touch in the future for additional readings!”

— Nadia E.

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My life is forever changed

“Emily provided such a beautiful, fulfilling and sacred reading. Many things that I have always felt to be true for myself came through during our time together. Emily is very respectful when delivering messages. She would ask if I wanted her to elaborate on a message for further clarity, or if I was interested on how the message from a past life connects as a divine lesson for me during this lifetime. She was so kind and warm, and very thorough before the reading began on what to expect. I truly cannot say enough good things about her gifts. My life is forever changed and I feel not only more deeply connected to my ancestors, loved ones, guides, and guardians on the other side, but I feel as though my soul has found its path for this lifetime. I feel so grateful and protected to proceed with the work that must be done after having this reading. Thank you so much Emily. All my love to you, xx.”

— Lydia

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I have purpose again

“So I just wanted to first say thank you soooo much to Emily for even taking the time out to do my reading but you guys!!! It was spot on. I felt so powerful during and after my reading with Emily. I was already on a journey to self discovery before I met Emily but this Akashic Records reading she did really gave me the nudge and confirmation I needed to UNDERSTAND (more so INNERSTAND) what was going on with me. I felt so unsure and empty and now I feel so confident. Almost like my wick to my flame was relit and now I have purpose again. Thank you Emily. You are a gem. You are gifted and I recommend you book her and find out for yourself!”

— JaCoya

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It will truly change your life

“Wow. I had my first ever Akashic Record reading yesterday and I am so honored and delighted that it was with Emily! Emily is truly gifted. She began with a short meditation that put my anxious mind right at ease. Emily channeled messages clearly and gave room for follow-up questions to deepen my understanding. The messages that came through were so insightful, affirming and came with so much love and support. I was given exactly what I needed to hear at this point in my life - with honesty and care and amazing advice. I was astounded - receiving such clear messages about my life, past lives and future - from my ancestors, guides, spirit team, etc. was truly a gift. I know I will be referring back to my recording many times in my life. If you are unsure about booking a reading, I would say go for it - it will truly change your life. Thank you Emily!”

— Arifa

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Positively moved

“I was positively moved by the reading Emily gave me. She was honest, friendly, motivating, and clearly has a gift which she’s sharing in her service as being a reader. I’m glad I got Emily to read my Records as it was helpful in motivating me for my next steps in life. Thank you Emily for restoring faith with your gift!”

— Dalanda

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Strongly recommend

“I had a reading with Emily today and it was so great! She was very easy to talk to and explains everything to you very well. I have always been curious about channeling and past life readings and everything she was telling me felt right and confirming to hear. She also helped me to better understand my purpose and to know that all that I want in life is very possible! Strongly recommend, and I will definitely be coming back to see Emily again and get another reading!”

— Jackie

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Deeply affirming

“It was by chance that I happened upon Emily. I'm an energetics-driven person and was immediately struck by her clarity; her communication was prompt, lucid and kind. I suspected I'd be in for a treat, and I was not wrong. My reading was a few days ago and I've listened to the recording of my session multiple times already; the experience, which was my first ever encounter with Akashic Records, had a lightness and ease about it. The tone was set by Emily's warm demeanor and clear explanation of the process from start to finish, with helpful tips about how to get the most out of the reading. I'd come prepared, based on the prep email she'd sent the day I booked; I had quite a long and broad list of open-ended questions to ask, and I was happy to receive clear and natural guidance on all of them. After her powerful recitation of the opening prayer, I felt deeply affirmed by Emily's free-flowing, channeled guidance— as though I was looking at a mirror which could only reflect back to me my most expansive, true vision of self. Nothing more powerful than that!”

— Sadia

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So Very Grateful

“Oh my gosh, what a beautiful experience!! Emily is such a clear channel for the insights and wisdom of the Akashic Records - I felt deeply supported and wrapped in love by the information Emily was sharing. Emily's gift is powerful and connected, and I felt so encouraged by her and by the energies she channels. I had a clear idea of the things I wanted to ask, but the profound nature of the information being channeled invited me to deepen my questions and open up more to the truths being revealed to me. I am so very grateful to Emily for sharing her gift with me!”

— Ali H.

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Leads by example

“As a metaphysical practitioner myself, I am very particular with who I let into my energetic space, especially when it comes to having any type of reading. The session was an hour long and in the first 20 minutes I had all of my questions answered. The rest of the session focused on providing details for my bigger questions and I walked away from the session feeling very grounded and at ease.

Its has been a little over two weeks since the reading and in that time the global pandemic hit very close to home and we received big news as a family about what the next few years of our life will hold. Having had my Akashic reading with Emily before, I was able to see these situations as opportunities filled with excitement embedded with the ability to be of service to others rather than setbacks filled with fear and uncertainty.

Emily is a powerful while humble healer who lives a personal life that leads by example of being the change we all wish to see in the world. The fact that she is now offering virtual Akashic readings is a testament to her desire to be of service to those in need around the world.”

— Autumn Seibel, Creator of Golden Otter Divinations

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Led by a higher power

“I thoroughly enjoyed our session. it was my first time getting my Akashic records read so I was a bit nervous going into it but you quickly put me at ease with your warm and empathetic energy. The guided meditation/ prayer at the beginning also helped a lot. The reading itself was incredible! Everything you said made so much sense and really resonated with me. You were able to pick up on a past life experience that I always felt I had but was so unsure about that. You provided even more insights and details than I could remember and that was such a big breakthrough for me. You also connected with my spirit guides and picked up on what I'm being led to do now and what my career, relationships etc might look like in the future. Based on the level of details you provided, it was so clear that you were being authentic and led by a higher power. I'd highly recommend you! Our session will always stay with me- it brought me the clarity, reassurance and guidance that I needed. Thank you so much :)”

— Jordanne

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Overwhelming love & gratitude

“Emily's Akashic Records reading gave me insights that I didn't even realize I needed. Emily's guidance touched my heart, and it was exactly what I needed to hear. Thanks to our session, I finally feel confident to move forward with my soul's mission. Before the reading, as I contemplated my questions, I was feeling lost and confused on one particular topic. By the end of our session, I felt overwhelming love and gratitude knowing that I have the full support of the Universe to do what I came here for in this life. I encourage others to seek out Emily's incredible gifts and walk away with as much empowerment and wholeness as I experienced. Thank you, Emily!”

— Louisa

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Blown away with love

I went into the reading not knowing what to fully expect, and I was blown away with love. The messages that came through were so filled with love and truth. It is hard to explain this experience but after the reading I had goosebumps, chills, and pure magic running through me for hours. I also recommend recording it so you can listen to it again and receive all the messages thoroughly. I highly recommend doing a reading with Emily - you will not be disappointed!”

— Kayla L.

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Exceeded my expectations ten fold

“Prior to an Akashic Reading with Emily, I had two experiences prior to her. Perhaps it just wasn’t the right time before, however, the Akashic Records reading with Emily felt much more deeply connected. Unlike other practitioners who told me they required hours and hours of meditation, Emily went into the Records fairly quickly vs hours of meditation and/or fasting. (Also, having had many readings before, and giving readings myself for over 10 years, few things really impress me). Emily’s Akashic Records reading came at an opportune time and during a time of many life transitions. While before I wavered often and spent much time in my head weighing pros and cons, but since the Akashic Records reading I felt much more deeply at peace and more clear and confident on the life changing choices I was making. During the reading, I could feel the air around me change! I definitely could feel that we were THERE! Emily’s connection into the Records was uncanny, impressive, and exceeded my expectations ten fold.

— Meredith McDonough, Owner of The Call Within

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