2023 Updated FAQ: How I channel & work with the Akashic Records

It’s been a couple of years since I sat down to write about my process of channeling and channeling the Akashic Records, and to really update you, dear reader, about what you can expect working with me. So here we go!

What are the Akashic Records?

I like to think of the Akashic Records as a realm or higher vibrational place where our souls’ histories are actively recorded and stored - and has been, since our souls came into being. And the Records don’t just contain the energy of souls to tap into and learn more about. Animals, homes, land, businesses, creative projects, podcasts, courses, book ideas, and so much more all have their own distinctive energy and energetic vibration that can be accessed and channeled through the Records.

But for any given person on any given day, I believe the Records are running in the background recording your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and experiences in this life. In that same vein, the Records contain that same information from any past lives your soul experienced. The Records are also a place that contain our future possibilities and potentials throughout our lifetime. And while accessing our Records can be used as a predictive resource, it’s important to understand that when we access future possibilities in the Records, we’re tapping into the most likely possibilities at that point in time.

We make decisions and take actions every day that change or solidify our future possibilities and how quickly (or not) those desires become our reality. Our future possibilities and potentials are constantly changing - as much as we change from day-to-day, month-to-month, and year-to-year.

So, the Records contain vast information about our soul’s past, present, and future.

In my book, that makes them a place of infinite possibility to work with and within! In other words, the nature of the Records makes them an infinite resource of information, love, support, and healing that we can tap into, channel, and access - at any time.

And even though I’ve been working with the Akashic Records for 4.5 years at the time of writing this, I’m constantly learning something new about what’s possible to uncover or understand better or change within the Akashic realm.

Can anyone access or tap into the Akashic Records?

Yes! Accessing the Akashic Records is something most folks can do (not knowing how and not being able to are, after all, two very different things!). There’s no gatekeeper of the Records only letting certain people in while keeping the rest out. Accessing, channeling, and reading the Akashic Records isn’t for a limited few with a “special gift”.

I know now I was accessing the Records for years before ever intentionally trying to access them. I accessed them in my dreams, during Reiki energy healing sessions with friends, and through moments of imagination and daydreaming. I think most folks are actually tapping into and out of the Records throughout the day, but aren’t consciously aware they’re doing so.

So, yes, I believe anyone can channel and read the Akashic Records. And I also believe different people channel and receive information in the Records through different ways, too.

Even the ways I receive information in the Records has changed over the years! And of course it has, because I’ve changed so much as a person. For example, when I first started learning to read and channel the Akashic Records, I rarely saw or experienced visual imagery (also known as clairvoyance). But today, receiving visual imagery in the Records is one of the main ways I receive messages and guidance - and it’s been a beautiful evolution in my own practice. So all that to say, I recommend being gentle with yourself as you learn and be open to your abilities shifting and changing over time because it’s more than possible!

Who or what energies are you channeling when you’re in the Akashic Records?

When I open a client’s Akashic Records, I'm in direct and instant contact with your spirit support team - your Highest Self, spirit guides, guardian angels (possibly Archangels as well), loved ones in spirit who are now helping to guide you, ancestors, elementals, and other cosmic beings.

Other beings or souls can also come in and out of your Records as the reading progresses - especially if you’re asking about a situation concerning them. For instance, I regularly connect to the souls of pets who wish to come through with messages. I also regularly connect with the Highest Selves of people - friends, family, or loved ones - who are very much still living and alive but who’s soul has messages or insights to share with my client as well (like their spouse or infant child who can’t communicate just yet).

And since we’ve already talked about how the Records contain future possibilities, that means that we can also connect to spirit babies there. Walter Makichen wrote an incredible book about spirit babies - the souls of unborn children yet in our families - and how he works with them in his readings. And those spirit babies have showed up over and over and over in my readings with clients! Sometimes they come through with messages for parents who dearly want them and other times to parents who are just starting to consider if they’re ready to grow their family. It’s not only been such a beautiful experience for me, as the channeler, but it’s been such an honor to channel so many spirit babies that have since been born and are Earth-side once more!

I’ve also channeled messages from the Earth within the Records when people ask about Her; from plant spirits or herbal allies if people are asking about herbal remedies or medicines that could support them; from fairies dwelling in and beautifying people’s yards/gardens/land, and so much more!

What can I expect to happen in an Akashic Records reading?

I believe the possibilities are truly endless in terms of what we can access in a reading! Whether you’re seeking healing, love, deeper connection and understanding, a soul-level perspective on life, or something else, it’s possible together!

Here’s some of the most common themes both myself and my clients have explored in the Records -

  • Soul’s purpose

  • New job/career transitions and options

  • Connecting with a spirit baby

  • Connecting with a beloved loved one that’s passed

  • Moving to a new city or place

  • Relationship energetics and lessons being learned through being in relationship with others in your life

  • Herbal and plant allies that want to work with you

  • Soul contracts you're working through with certain people in your life

  • Understanding more about the lessons you're learning in this lifetime

  • How past lives are influencing your present life and what energy carried over from past lives to now

  • Releasing past life energy and healing

  • Connecting to ancestors

  • Meeting your spirit team and receiving guidance directly from them

  • Connecting to your intuition and how you can receive more of your own messages and guidance

  • Deepening your own spiritual and/or creative gifts and talents

  • Karmic themes playing out in your life

  • Energetic cord cutting with other people

  • And so much more!

Not only are you receiving guidance, messages, and greater understanding during a reading, but you’re also receiving so much energetically - healing, activations, upgrades, and timeline shifts are all happening real-time the entire time we’re in a session together. And I believe, it’s all to help and support you in being able to process and integrate the information received during your reading. It’s incredible, to me as the channel, how many layers of energetic healing and integration at play during a reading!

Why should I be interested in exploring past lives and/or asking about past life healing in the Akashic Records?

I think past life work is some of the most important energetic healing we can do and some of the biggest understanding we can gain in helping us to understand why we are the way we are. Also, we gain a deeper understanding of who our loved ones are on a whole different level, since we often incarnate within the same soul groups of people from lifetime to lifetime to learn the same or similar lessons together.

When I'm in the Akashic Records, I can't just tap into any old past life though. The reality is you've likely lived hundreds if not thousands of past lives and your session is only an hour. But what the Records will give us is more insight into what past life (or lives) are most impacting your present moment now.

The Records taught me it often takes a few lifetimes to learn and nail down some bigger soul lessons. So when you ask what past life is most impacting your present life now, the Records show me the past life as a bridge; a bridge to illuminate where you left off in the last life, so you have a better understanding of where you're now picking up from. It's like reading a book - you may have left off at the end of one chapter in your last incarnation and when we go into your Records, we can pick that book up and discover what this new chapter is all about and what you can expect to be working and learning and growing through.

Past life work can also reveal that we may be carrying traumatic or limiting energy from one lifetime into one another. And in this life, in our current physical body, that might be coming up as a limiting belief, physical ailment, or manifesting in some other way. Digging into the past life where that energy originated from and learning why/how it came to be can be such a cathartic release to the soul in the present, in helping it to remember "that was then, this is now" so it can let go and release what it no longer truly needs to carry.

Bottom line - past life work is incredibly important soul work. If you’re interested in learning more and diving deeper, check out my blog on past life healing here.

What kinds of questions should I ask in my Akashic Records reading?

I always ask my clients to come into a reading with some prepared questions to ask and explore in their Records. I believe only you know what you need and desire most - so I ask that you come prepared to help guide us within the infinite resourcefulness that is the Records. Because while the reading together has the potential to crack open a door to profound healing and possibilities you’ve dreamed of, it’s solely up to you to continue that work going forward, opening that door wider and wider.

Areas that people tend to ask the most questions around are:

  • Your soul’s purpose or big lessons to learn in this lifetime

  • Current career track or a career change coming up

  • Moving to a new city/state/country

  • How you’re learning and growing in relation to someone else (whether that’s a romantic partner, parent, family member, friend, etc.)

  • Growing your family and/or possibly having children

  • Creative projects and endeavors

  • Limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from where you truly want to be in life

  • Soul contracts with loved ones around you

  • If a certain deceased loved one is with you or helping to guide you

  • How to connect with their ancestors

  • Who your spirit guides or guardian angels are and how they’re working with you

  • What plants or herbal allies can support and help you

  • Big transitions

  • Deepening or developing your own intuition & ability to receive messages

  • Healing from past life energy

  • Business decisions and directions, marketing, offerings, podcasts, workshops, book ideas, and more!

What are the benefits of receiving Reiki and other energy healing with my Akashic Records open?

I started my Reiki attunement/training in 2012 and became a certified Reiki Master in 2014. I love that I get to offer sessions that combine these two powerful healing modalities - Reiki/energy healing and channeling the Akashic Records - and it's truly one of my most unique expressions and offerings of healing I'm putting out into the world: Akashic Energy Work.

Reiki is great for deep relaxation and stress relief. It can also aid in spiritual attunements and may be able to help with physical/mental/emotional ailments. And even though we're not physically together, I'm able to distantly channel Reiki and energy healing to you in a session.

By having your Akashic Records open while I'm channeling energy healing to you, I believe the energy coming through is amplified. And the information and messages I can bring forward from your Records while the energy healing is happening at the same time is more detailed, illustrative, and powerful - and often specific to a particular chakra(s), or energy center, in your body.

I'm able to cleanse, balance, and realign your chakra energy system while also clearing stagnant energy that may be throwing you off balance - both from the present moment and from your past lives. Quantum energetic healing, baby. It's powerful stuff.

Why did you decide to do this work?

I've been reading my own Akashic Records for nearly five years and exploring and working in my Records has been one of the most healing, expanding, loving, and compassionate metaphysical experiences in my life.

I first learned about what the Akashic Records were when I was a teenager, thanks to my incredibly open and spiritually curious mother. But I didn’t truly begin to learn how to work with the Akashic Records until November 2018.

For the first couple of years, I only read my own Records. I never imagined reading the Records for anyone else because that wasn’t at all why I was exploring this spiritual medium - I was exploring it for me.

For my own spiritual growth and greater understanding of my soul’s purpose and lessons to move through this lifetime. During that time of self-study, I dove deep into how I could best work with the Records. I devoted myself to learning how to clearly channel information and guidance for not only my day-to-day life, but to help find deeper healing and understanding over the years.

I learned that the Akashic Records are everywhere - we unknowingly access them in our dreams, energy healing sessions, meditations, and more, day in and day out.

In the first half of 2020, I started receiving messages in my Records that it was time to start reading for other people. At first, I thought that was a hilarious cosmic joke and I ignored the messages! And truthfully, I never intended to read for anyone else as I’d been developing my Akashic channeling practice for me, not as something to offer to others.

But the messages got stronger and stronger as the world dramatically changed with the pandemic, and I decided to trust what I was being nudged to do. I started reading for clients in June of 2020. And…it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

As I’ve grown and changed over the years since I started reading for clients, so has my work in the Records. After my dad unexpectedly passed away when I was 32 years old, my work in the Records transformed. And with time and support and plenty of days that felt like “one step forward, two steps back”, what I found was acceptance - for myself and my life as it is today, loss and all.

And it turns out that for me, that’s actually what being Whole feels like for me - it’s the acceptance of all of me, just as I am, and all the love that flows with that. I don’t just know I’m Whole now, but I also feel this Wholeness pulsing throughout my entire body and system, taking up so much delicious space.

And that’s the kind of work I want to do with people in the Akashic Records now: choosing to come back to our Wholeness.

I love connecting and healing with others through working in the Akashic Records and I hope that you go forward feeling empowered to co-create the life you truly desire, the one you’ve been dreaming about!


December 2020 Solstice message from the Akashic Records